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for WPA Tournament
Registration for other WPA events may be accessed from the EVENTS page.


Please use the following 4 links to register for the WPA Regional Competition.  These registration forms are the forms used this year to compete in the WPA Regional Competition.  They are replacing forms used in prior years which were accessed from the website. To finalize your registration, please link to payment information.


1. Team Registration: Register your team to compete in the WPA Regional Competition.  Team size is limited to 7 teammates.  Once a member is on the team, he may not be replaced.  Deadline: January 15


2. Long-Term Judge Registration: Each team is required to supply one Long-Term judge to work the Regional Competition. This judge may also be required to judge at the State Competition should the team advance. By registering as a judge, you will be automatically registered to attend mandatory judge training.


3. Spontaneous Judge Registration: Each membership is required to supply a certain number of spontaneous judges to work the Regional Competition based on the formula below.  This judge may also be required to judge at the State Competition should a team in the membership advance. By registering as a judge, you will be automatically registered to attend mandatory judge training. 

WPA Regional Competition Requirements:

  • Membership with 1-2 teams is required to supply 1 spont judge.

  • Memberships with 3-4 teams is required to supply 2 spont judges, etc.


If you are only volunteering as a spontaneous judge for your team for Spontaneous Fun Day, you are still required to fill in this registration form.​


4. Day-of Volunteer Registration: Each team is required to supply one Day-of Volunteer to work a 2-hour shift at the WPA Regional Competition.  Please register here and you will be sent your assignment one week before the competition.


Registration for all other WPA events, like Coach Training and Fun Day, can be accessed

from the EVENTS Page.

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