judge/Volunteer requirements
1. In order to compete in our Regional Tournament:
Every TEAM must provide 1 trained Long-Term (Problem) Judge who will attend training and judge at the Regional Tournament.
Every TEAM must provide 1 Volunteer who will work a short shift on tournament day.
Every MEMBERSHIP must provide 1or more trained Spontaneous Judges who will attend training and judge at the Regional Tournament using this formula: 1-2 teams in the membership=1 judge. 3-4 teams=2 judges. 5-6 teams=3 judges. etc.
2. In order to compete in Spontaneous Fun Day (when it is a judging format):
Every TEAM must provide 1 Spontaneous Judge who will attend training and judge at the event.
Every TEAM must provide 1 Volunteer to work the event.
3. When teams advance to PA State Finals:
Every TEAM must provide 1 trained Long-Term (Problem) Judge* who attended a Regional training and worked a Regional Tournament.
Every School District/Entity with 1-3 teams going, must provide 1 spontaneous judge*… with 4-5 Teams going, must provide 2 spont judges… and with 6-7 teams must provide 3 spont judges, and so on.
*NOTE: It is important to identify, before Judge Training day, Judges who will accompany your team to State Finals.
4. When teams advance to World Finals:
There are no volunteer or judge requirements of advancing teams or memberships related to World Finals.
5. Judge Related Penalty
Any team/membership which does not provide TRAINED & EXPERIENCED Long Term and Spontaneous Judges to represent their team/membership at the Regional and State Tournaments could receive a penalty of up to 25 points.