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Practice Several Spontaneous Problems in a Competition Setting!

Coach observes teams in all problem!

Teams get personal feedback when they are done with the each problem!


Linton MS, Penn Hills

250 Aster Street, Penn Hills, PA

Fun Day Schedule

  • 8:45 AM – Judge and volunteer check-in: coffee, refreshments

  • 9:00 AM -- Judge and volunteer meetings

  • 9:30 AM – Team check in /registration

  • 10:00 AM – Competition begins

  • 2:30 PM -- Approx. end time


Registration fee $25 

Payment can be made by check or PayPal.  Please link for info.

Questions: Contact Lynn at

This is an optional event in which teams get a great opportunity to practice several Spontaneous problems in a competitive setting.  Awards are given – and best of all, coaches get their scores and feedback to take home and analyze!


In order to participate, all teams must register one trained Spontaneous judge and one Fun Day volunteer.    

NOTE: Fun Day teams don’t have to be made up of your competition team.  If not enough kids can come from your team, combine with another team to bring 5-7 team members to Fun Day!

Tips for Fun Day:

  • Odyssey Merchandise will be available for sale: shirts, school supplies, pins, etc.

  • Concessions will be available for purchase: pizza, snacks, drinks, etc.

  • There will be a Basket Raffle with fun OM themes, Kid themes, etc.

  • Your team will have an assigned table in the cafeteria which will be their “home” base. 

  • Bring games and other activities to keep the team occupied while they are in between problems.  There will be some down time.

  • Coaches will be allowed to observe their team solving all of the  problem. 

  • Fun Day may not be best for our youngest OMers who may be too antsy for a long day.

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